
How to use a Pendulum

Oct 02, 2021

In the metaphysical world a Pendulum is a wonderful tool to have in your "magic tool bag/kit" for it has many uses. The most common of this uses is for answering YES/NO questions. Meaning you can ask whatever you want as long as your answer is able to be yes or no. So let's dig into the pendulum subject starting from scratch:

What is a Pendulum: The definition of a pendulum essentially ‘Is a weight suspended from a pivot/fixed point so that it can swing freely under the influence of gravity'. You can buy or make one. They can be as pretty & detailed as you see them in the crystal shops or as simple as just getting a bolt-nut and hanging it from a string. I also want to point out here that a pendulum is just a tool and nothing else....  it's an extension of your energy, know that when you 'ask' it questions it's not the pendulum giving you the answers but rather your higher self. 

Connecting to you Pendulum: Before working with it or asking our pendulum a question you want to make a connection. Hold it and clear your mind, feel your energy flowing through you, visualize both of you entraining and becoming one. Spend some time without rushing specially if it's our first time, create sacred space; such as spa music, incense or candle(s), do what feels right to you. Remember you are starting a 'new' relationship per say. 

Programing your Pendulum: A pendulum will only answer YES or NO questions and so you'll need to know what movement is your Yes and what movement is your No. For me my Yes is clockwise and my No is from side to side, one of my son's; his Yes is from side to side and his No is back and forth. You'll want to sit with your back straight, you can sit on a chair or on the floor just make sure you are comfortable. Then with your dominant hand hold our pendulum, if you have something in which you can rest your elbow so that your arm is not moving that would be great if not just hold your arm close to you. As your pendulum hangs if you want you can place our other hand palm upwards under your pendulum, again do what feels right. Then you can simply as "show me Yes" you can ask in your mind or out loud, once it has shown you which way it swings simply state "stop" once it has stopped as "show me No".

If you'll like you can actually show your Pendulum what movement you'll like to use for Yes and No, so instead of asking it to show you; you'll do the movement and advised this is what my Yes is and then choose your No movement and advise it of the same. If you decide to go this route, once you are done stating and showing your yes/no signals then ask it to show you Yes and show you No. After you know or have set up your Yes/No swings start by asking Obvious questions such as "is my name xxx" , "am I xxx years old" or "is today Saturday", pretty much a few questions in which you know the definite answer to.

Asking questions: After you feel comfortable then ask that what you'll like to know. Don't forget to ask in a way in which the answer will be YES or NO, if not you'll be getting some confusing movement or no movement at all. With this being said, please do remember that the Pendulum is not the  'all great and might thing' giving you the answer, it's an extension of your energy, your higher self. It's a tool for guidance not to tell you the future! I say this because you can ask it questions such as "am I going to marry 'John'..." and maybe you'll answer will be yes, but then that journey is a sucky one and you hate your marriage and everything around it, bring the 'question' back to you in a sense, so instead ask "am I ready to marry 'John'...". Remember we can only control that which is under our control, we can't control what others think or do. Learn to use our Pendulum as a tool and not a crutch. 

When you ask be patient, concentrate on your question and remain open and neutral. You might want to close your eyes when you ask and keep the question in your mind; try to remain still and avoid tainting the answer. Trust your self; for remember your higher self truly is trying to assist you, but our ego becomes to strong sometimes and we have already decided that which we want to hear so keep neutral and trust. Source will always whisper that which you need; allow to do so and allow yourself to be guided by spirit and not lead by ego. 

Your Pendulum relationship: In the esoteric metaphysical world a lot of us have a pendulum(s) and we all create a relationship with it/them. I personally have two, Tiger who has been with me for over a long, long time and I consult on a daily and Shungy who I only use when I do energy work. Once you find or make that one pendulum which you have choose to work with feel free to name it, give it an 'identity', this will help straighten that relationship, even my kids know who Tiger is and so when I mention the name they know what/who I am referring to.  

Pendulum's are also wonderful tools to use when doing energy work, in my Ebook Reiki - The art of Reiki & Source Energy usage for healing I explain and show how to use a pendulum to check on the Chakras and to move any static energy around. When we have a strong relationship with our tools it makes it not only easier to work with them as we can better understand & communicate with them but it also better connects us to the unseen forces that we ask help and guidance from...

 I hope this article was helpful, remember always stay a student! 

Love, Light & Blessings

-Sofia Murta


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