

Oct 02, 2021

Something I get asked a lot is "what is smudging? & How do you do it?"

Smudging is the burning of herbs and/or plant resins for the purpose of cleansing and purification weather that be for medicinal or spiritual purposes, you can smudge yourself an object or a location. The act of smudging has been around for thousands of years and it has been used by many cultures such as ancient Rome, Egypt, Greece, Mesoamerican civilizations & by some Native Americans tribes to name a few. 

When smudging the most important thing is your intention towards the smudging, what are you trying to accomplish? you can smudge to rid of unwanted/static energy; weather that be emotional such feelings of anger or depression, or if you are feeling a presence in your home that does not belong there, smudging is great to help us move energy... it does not always mean it's 'bad' energy it can just be stagnant and to smudge it's a great tool to use. 

There are many herbs you can use, you can buy or make bundles or just you can also just burn loose herbs. A lot of this herbs/bundles you will be able to find in any metaphysical/New Age stores or at a "Yerberia" which is a Latino/Hispanic Medicine Herb Store. Below are a few common herbs and what they are mostly used for:


White Sage - It's great for Cleansing, Releasing, Removing, Antimicrobial

Blue Sage - Abundance, Healing, Prosperity, Cleansing, Releasing

Cedar - Cleansing, Purification, Strength, Harmony

Sweetgrass - Healing, Positive Vibes

Rosemary - Protection, Clarity, Removing energy associated with illness

Juniper - Stress Relieve, Reset 'button'

Palo Santo - Blessing, Calming, Harmony, Peace


So how do you smudge? Below is a guide on 'proper' etiquette, the biggest thing remember is your intention, as you smudge feel free to say things that resonate with your intention such as "I bless my house" or "I release and allow all energy which does not serve me or my family to move on away from me and my home". Make it your own! The beauty about the metaphysical is that there is no right or wrong way, do what feels right and resonates with you! 

• Consciously set your intention for smudging (your why for doing it)

• Light your smudge bundle or stick and let it catch fire

• Extinguish the fire and allow the smoke to billow

• Start with smudging yourself starting from feet to head

• Walk around your home allowing the smoke to get everywhere, in every room

• If you are smudging an object, allow the smoke to surround the object

• Use a bowl or a shell to catch any ashes

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